Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

The House is Moved

I have move this blog the new address I thought to be more serious in writing I decide to purchase domain I mentioned before. Some how I will think to write another content at this place later, or probably to purchase another domain to do another more serious writing. But for this time, I will stop writing in here. You also still can find me at for my outpouring very personal content.

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Samsung Bada Osp::Xml Build Problems

Since one last month I discover new mobile platform from Samsung, Bada. With basic skill as amateur Java Programmer I just have very basic skill in c/c++ programming that is used as lingua franca of Bada. Perhaps I know little bit knowledge about pointer. But I lost when need to discover build, link related problem.

One time I need to build application that have parse xml. I put the xml code in OnInitializing method that is extends from Osp::Ui::Controls::Form and I also not forget to include FXml.h at my header file and using namespace Osp::Xml in my cpp file. Here is snapshot of the code:

result MyXmlForm::OnInitializing(void) {
xmlDoc* doc = null;
xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx;
xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj;

doc = xmlReadFile(“/Home/test.xml”, null, 0); // error here
if (doc == NULL) {
AppLog(“Failed to load xml doc!”);

xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); // error
if (xpathCtx == NULL) {
AppLog(“Error: unable to create new XPATH context”);
xmlFreeDoc(doc); //error
return (E_IO);

xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) “//title”, xpathCtx); //error
if (xpathObj == NULL) {
AppLog(“Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression”);
return (E_IO);


xmlFreeDoc(doc); // error
xmlCleanupParser(); // error

return E_SUCCESS;

Here are the errors:
undefined reference to `xmlReadFile'
undefined reference to `xmlFreeDoc’
undefined reference to `xmlXPathNewContext’
undefined reference to `xmlXPathEvalExpression’
undefined reference to `xmlXPathFreeContext’
undefined reference to `xmlCleanupParser’

This evening I spent about two hour to make above code work. Like I have said, Bada itself actually has provide xml library with namespace Osp::Xml which is subset from libxml2. When I finish type the code I stuck when have to face undefined reference to bla bla bla error relate to method call from Osp::Xml. I already make sure that I have include FXml.h in my header declaration and also state using namespace Osp::Xml in my source code. After spending sometime researching with very minimum information from Bada Documentation and also all internet site I found I need to link FXml library in project properties. Then build problem dissapear and my code can run smooth now. Yippie.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Idea Management

At meeting yesterday, we have discussed about idea management topic especially in field of software development. The point that raise the topic is, there many of software development process that really take concern in issue management. Bug and problem in application take most of attention. Of course that is something natural. Every software develpment company eager to produce software without issue and problem.

Moreover, responding this necessity there are so many tool that make issue management easier to do. There are Jira, Trac, Bugzilla and other kind of system that intended to use as issue management tool. By using that system software development team can manage issue that is found. Manage in here mean resolving and fixing issue. The intesting point is eventhough issue management is very important, most of software development team forget about idea management. Idea management is very important to manage too. There must be very much idea that lost because not managed well. Actualy manage in here is just listing the idea and then at some time discussing in group. The question is if there so many issue management software exist is there any idea management software out there? I believe there must be exist. But the most importance is our awarness that beside issue, idea is important to manage.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

I am still here

Its been a while since my previous post. I am still here. But getting very busy. I get new job. No, not same place as I post my interview experience before. At another place. My head now very full of jsf and jboss seam concept. Little bit dizzy and wanna throw up, but I enjoy it and feel very excited also chalenged. Welcome to new world. World is always change. If u don't you will be leaved by another. Speed up.

Another valuable post will come soon.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Configuring Network Setting from Linux Terminal

First set ip address and netmask:
ifconfig eth0 netmask up

Set gateway:
route add default gw

Edit dns:
vi /etc/resolv.conf

Testing dns lookup:

Ping to make sure everything is working:


Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Another Interview Day

Morning world. Today I will arrange an interview in one of software company in Jakarta, actualy Tangerang. Hmmm... sometime we need to seek another new job. I remember it was around one and a half years ago, when I get my first job offer in Mitrais at Bali. Yeah but Allah Swt decide something different for me. For those One and half years I spent my time working in Jakarta instead. I almost extra boring at several last month. But I stand still. Today I will go to Sigma, one of largest banking IT solution. Most of us have dream to work at large company with hundreds employee. But most of us have a dream to build or lead such large company instead. Have a good day all. I always believe under the sun everything is posible, nothing imposible.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009


Start from the day after tomorrow, I am officialy unemployed. Unemployed by my preferation. About 18 months nice experience. Everything sometime run so fast. It just like just yesterday when I got my first job. Job that is really appropriate with my background and liking. Of course, sometime there are some uncomfortable, preasure, boring that attack while I work. More than that, some of those feeling that made me decide to resign from company. Yeah I need break, and new fresh air, probably at new place.

At the other moment, sometime I contemplate. Is IT really place for me to get money? Actually I am electronic engineer. Partially, because I am supposed to be teachir at SMK. I am bachelor of education. There always a time that I imagine myself to work at telco company as telecommunication engineer. But I have to realize, I was lazy at college. I don't have enough knowledge to be such engineer. So after graduation day, eventhough not too out of the way, I choose IT as my job. I am java developer now, specificaly. Generaly I can say myself as software engineer. I have to admit, maybe java would not life forever. But IT is always demanded everywhere. I code everyday. Read a lot of IT books. Download many new software SDK. Although there are always time I asked myself, Is IT really your own choose? Absolutely I answer, yes. There are always great posibility for every humankind to get success for every field he take. Maybe there successful telco engineer. Great lawyer. Honest policeman, lucky businessman. I have same chance too to be as success as them. Of course the price is to do the best as I can in every single step of work I do. Success is not as narrow of money or wealth. But I believe, I can get them if I want. I just want to stop compalaining everyday and start work and learn unstopable. Thanx Allah, for everything I got.